Code Of Conduct

To ensure a comfortable and productive environment for everybody, all participants to this conference are required to agree with the following code of conduct, which is in accord with the ESO Code of Conduct. Organisers will enforce this code during the event, sanctioning or even expelling transgressors (no refund will be given in the latter case). Participants should follow these guide lines also in their interactions via social networks.

In both structured and informal activities during this conference, participants should contribute to a welcoming environment that encourages the free expression and exchange of different ideas. Humiliating or intimidating behaviors are off-limits. Senior scientists, especially those with supervising experience, have a special responsibility to facilitate the inclusion of younger researchers.
Harassment because of race, religion, color, gender, age, national origin, disability, marital status, or gender identity expression will not be tolerated.
To meet the highest standard of Open Science, participants are encouraged to share their data, software, and results whenever this is possible. Material obtained from such exchange should be cited accordingly. Posters and oral presentations must properly acknowledge co-authors’ contribution and the work of others if included.

To protect the privacy of individuals, and according to European regulations, the following rules apply to photos and videos. Attendance at the meeting implies consent to appear in the background of pictures where the individual is not the central focus of the image. However, discretion should be used when posting any meeting picture on social media or any Internet site, in particular to protect the privacy of individuals as part of large crowd scenes. Publicizing/posting photos or videos of individuals on social media or on any internet site without explicit and prior consent is not permitted, even if the individual is giving a talk.
